Via San Francesco d'Assisi 89 | 70122 Bari
+39 347 121 9111

Kabiro Eliana D’Armento

It ‘a founding member and president of the Amateur Sports IN.CON.TATTO.
E ‘teacher certified Intermediate Junior II Yoga Iyengar, goes regularly to Ramamani Iyengar Yoga Institute in Pune where he studied with the Iyengar family members also deepened his studies by taking part regularly in seminars conducted by recognized teachers, internationally, such as: Stephanie Quirk Gabriella Giubilaro, David Meloni, Lois Steinberg.
She teaches regular yoga classes for adults and children, pregnancy yoga, as well as offering individual lessons.
And ‘Counselor Filosomatica trainer, a form of counseling to address body, and is forming in the sole of Filosomatica Italy, and massage sensistivo Gestalt. (
And ‘member of SIAF (Italian Society Harmonizers Family).
Graduated from the Bayly School of Reflexology in London, he has finished the Holistic Massage training course at the Osho Commune International in Pune, India; where he also studied Ayurvedic massage;
He has participated in the following courses: Aromatherapy at the London Council Hall; Emotional reflexology, prenatal and metamorphic massage at the Institute of Human Sciences, Rome;
And ‘operator Reiki II and practice Thai massage. Also it conducts meetings of meditation and body awareness workshops.
She graduated at the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance, New York, has worked professionally for many years as a dancer, actress, choreographer and teacher of dance theater, in Italy and abroad, collaborating with some of theater and dance research companies, including direct Differance by Elvira Maizzani.
Through dance it is dedicated to the study in depth of the body, thereby developing a great awareness and an artistic sensitivity. He traveled extensively around 20 years living and working for several years in the US, England, India, in different Italian cities, obtaining as ever deeper levels of specialization in professional fields in which it operates, and sectors related to them. Has been participating in group therapy and personal growth based on meditation that allowed it to explore in depth the aspects of different levels of the human being: emotional, mental, spiritual, thus embodying a more comprehensive and integrated mink of individual and social dynamics of humans. Flanked by the constant practice of yoga and meditation he has been able to expand its sensitivity and vision of life, gradually incorporating the knowledge acquired in his profession as a counselor, teacher and masseuse.

Miriam Totire

Expert in disciplines related to the expressiveness of the body and dance. Formed with Paola d’Alessandro and various contemporary dance masters, with Marilena de Letteris for Eastern and tribal dances, held classes for children and adults since 2004; He has developed a personal method of approach to knowledge of one’s body, in terms of needs movement and expression, which takes into account individual resources and experiences, even compared to the daily act.

Mariangela Lozito

Dancer, choreographer, educator, studied in Italy and abroad in a traveling training path that will lead him to approach different techniques and methods.
He attended the training course in Pedagogy of the movement at the Choronde central Rome, and is currently attending the Art Therapy master with specialist in DanzaMovimentoTerapia.